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Saturday 22 September 2018

The leading International Christian Community

Megahope International Christian Network
MEGAHOPE is a leading global Christian Community committed to enriching everylife in Christ through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Mega Hope to all people worldwide. Our goals are winning souls to Christ, connecting all the people as one in Christ, raising global Christian leaders and ambassadors who would stand tall in all nations, empowering the people for all-round success in life and endeavours, and providing humanitarian care to the needy.

Thus says the Lord, “The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all. Therefore, go and make disciples (raise mega-leaders) in all nations, teach and empower them to prosper in all things, be in health just as their souls prosper. Bind up the broken-hearted, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out demons. Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. The zeal of the Lord shall perform this.”

We are committed to enriching everylife in Christ through proclaiming the Gospel of megahope worldwide towards winning souls, connecting people, raising mega leaders, empowering the people, supporting the needy and delivering uncommon solutions to global challenges to the glory of God.

To be a leading global Christian Community, enriching everylife in Christ

To reach and enrich 4 Billion Mega Christian Leaders by 2030

Life and Greatness

The objects for which the Ministry is established are:

1.      To connect people worldwide to relationship with Jesus Christ and with other believers through our global Mega Gospel Campaigns, the online global community and local empowerment centres.
2.      To help people develop their spiritual and leadership capacities, discover and fulfill their life purpose, become mega Christian leaders and ambassadors able to stand tall and firm in all nations for Christ.
3.      To create robust welfare and financial plan through a multi-purpose cooperative society and a foundation to empower members socio-economically for wealth, good health and all-round wellbeing, excelling in their trade, profession, ministry or vocation.
4.      To help eradicate poverty, sickness and lack in the world through our mega humanitarian care to the needy and the less-privileged in the society.
5.      To establish business enterprises, global investments, educational, health and media institutions, Christian mission centres and local embassies and fellowship centres of the Ministry worldwide to further promote Christian faith, unity, love, care and total wellbeing

Wi:      Winning Souls
R:        Raising Global Leaders
E:        Empowering the People
S:         Supporting the needy

Z:         ZEAL-                         With zeal, passion, love and integrity of heart
E:         EXCELLENCE-          We employ the best of our ability, systems and practices to render
S:         SERVICE-                   Good and acceptable services unto God and for the good of all men
T:         TRUST-                       Ever trusting in and depending on the power and leading of the Holy Spirit
1.       Each a Soul Winner for Christ
2.       Each a Mission Partner with Christ
3.       Each a Mega Leader for Christ
4.       Each a Mega Success for Christ
a.      To connect people worldwide to relationship with Jesus Christ
b.      To connect and establish strong Christian relationships
c.       To create and establish chapters or fellowship centres of the Ministry in all nations with rich programs to further foster love, unity, peace, mutual help and total wellbeing of all Christians. 
a.       Megahope2All Global Crusade/Seminars: An all-out global outreach program/crusade to win people worldwide to Jesus Christ
b.      The Online Community: to connect all believers with one another in Christ towards building a viable Christian support community.
c.       Leadership 101: Foundations to Great Leadership: A mini Leadership course for basic foundation to spiritual growth to all the new believers
d.      Publications:- Tracts, Magazine, and Daily Devotional- Daily Compass- Devotional for Leaders
e.       Megahope Centre: Local leadership empowerment centres of the Ministry across the globe 
Aim: To help people develop their spiritual and leadership capacities, discover and fulfill their life purpose, become mega leaders standing tall in all nations for Christ, develop, network and build a network of leaders and ambassadors.
A.     Help Enrich A Life Conference (HEALCON): An annual leadership program for the gathering of leaders, mission partners and all members for international conference on leadership and ministerial progress with prophetic and apostolic power to manifest heaven on earth for life and all-round success to all.
B.     School of Leadership Development (SOLED): A leadership and discipleship school with 100% Word-based and practical courses and curriculum. SOLED is committed to teaching, developing and mentoring people to grow spiritually, develop Christ-like character and qualities, discover their purpose, and develop godly leadership qualities and capacities to excel in all areas of life. 
a.       Leadership 101: The Foundations to Great Leadership
b.      Leadership 201: Discovering the Leader in You
c.       Leadership 301: Developing the Leader in You
d.      Leadership 401: Exploding the Leader in You
e.       Leadership 501: Multiplying the Leader in You
Designed to help leaders grow higher in life and leadership through various  Advanced Leadership Courses (ALC) viz:
-          School of the Spirit
-          School of Prayer
-          School of the Word
-          School of Ministries
-          School of the Prophetic
-          Marital Leadership
-          Financial Leadership
-          Pastoral Leadership
-          Business Leadership
-          Political Leadership
-          Professional Leadership
-          Civil Leadership
-          Traditional Leadership
-          Kids Leaders
-          Teens/Youth Leaders, etc
a.      To create robust welfare plan to empower committed members socio-economically to create mega wealth, attain good health and all-round wellbeing, excelling in their trade, profession, ministry or vocation.
b.      To promote savings and investments culture among the people and provide micro-credits to support micro-enterprises and skills acquisition
c.       To reward members in cash and kind for their commitment to evangelism, leadership development, team building and overall growth of the community.
a.       Business Alive Project: To identify, develop, support and grow micro business, trade, ministries, etc
b.      Skills Alive Project: To identify, develop, train and support micro skills acquisition and success
c.       Careers Alive Project: To identify, develop, train and support career excellence
d.      Legacy Account: To encourage and promote savings and investing for the future- building a legacy for the future
e.       MegaPay: Easy bills payments and sundry financial services to members
f.        MH Stores: Online store with affiliate reward system to members and merchants system.
B.     Mega Welfare Plan: A robust welfare scheme to reward members in cash and gifts, for their commitment to global evangelism, leadership development, team building, mission support, commitment to the building of the global online community and the overall growth of the Ministry 
Aim: A mega humanitarian program to help eradicate poverty, sickness and lack in the world through mega humanitarian care to the needy and the less-privileged in the society.
a.      Hope Alive Project: to provide socio-economic care to the needy and the less privileged, the aged, the prisoners, provide scholarship schemes, missionary support, community development projects. This also includes free medical care, provision of health and nutritional advice, sales of health, healthy food/nutritional products, personal beauty products, mobile health clinics to all members of the society.
b.      Give Help (GH) system, a member-to-member mutual help system, aimed at promoting mutual help among members of the community. The principle is from those who have, help is received according to ability; and to those who have not, and help is given according to need. By so doing, love and care to one another is developed, where members willingly and constantly Give Help without reservation, and ask for and Receive Help without shame. The Scripture says, “All the believers were of one heart and mind, and no one felt that what he owned was his own; everyone was sharing” (that is, Giving Help, and Receiving Help at every point in time). Acts 4: 32 LB. Possible areas to give and receive help include, but not limited to, Mentoring, Counseling, Micro-Skills, Micro-Biz Loan, Books/Bible/Resources, Foods, Clothing, Education/Career, and Other socio-economic issues (as may be defined in the GH document)

a.      To invest in viable and lawful business ventures in Nigeria and any part of the world
b.      To establish educational, health and media institutions, and a Christian mission  centre to further promote Christian faith, unity, love and care
A.                 Business & Investments Group- BIGR
B.                 MEGAHOPE WORLD MISSION CENTRE - The facilities to include, among others: Prayers and Retreat Centre; World Mission Centre; Educational Center; Business & Investment Center; Media Center; Medical Center; Recreational & Sports Centre, etc
A.                 Membership of the Ministry is free to everyone, from the age of 13 who is able to make personal decisions and commitments especially to express faith in Christ Jesus. However, freewill donations are expected and appreciated from every member as Mission Partners & Ambassadors (MPA) according to ability once or periodically- monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. 
B.                 Membership of the ministry shall be for life but shall cease upon:
1.                  Death of a member: upon which all accrued rights, benefits and rewards (if any) shall be paid to his/her next of kin
2.                  Resignation of a member: upon a satisfactory cause shown, all accrued rights, benefits and rewards (if any) shall be paid to his/her next of kin or otherwise transferred to the MegaHope Foundation account
3.                  Abandonment of Christian faith: upon which all accrued rights, benefits and rewards  (if any) shall be transferred to the Mega Hope Foundation account
A.                 The programs, activities and general operations of the Ministry shall be funded as follows:
1.          Grant by the Founder/ President and the Trustees
2.         Freewill donation to the Ministry from members, mission partners, donor agencies, international and local, and individuals and corporate organizations
3.          Fund raising /Appeals
4.            Remittances from Mega Business Fellowship as may be defined from time to time
5.          Programs sponsorship
6.          Contributions to Endowment Fund
7.          Sales of the products of the Ministry
8.          Income from any investments of the ministry
9.          Loans from individuals and lending institutions
10.      Any other legitimate means.
B.                 FUNDING APPLICATION:
                                                      i.                     10%                          Tithe & Charity
                                                    ii.                     10%                          Capital Dev/Project/Investments
                                                   iii.                     35%                          Programs/Administration
                                                  iv.                     45%                          Community Welfare/Empowerment

Further information, contact
Reaching & Enriching Everylife for Christ
14 Ekere Street, Rumuobiokani
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
                         Tel: +234-802-686-1213
Connect with us on the following channels:
Online Global Community:
Twitter: #megahope2all
Skype: Megahope2all

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The leading International Christian Community

  WHO WE ARE: MEGAHOPE is a leading global Christian Community committed to enriching everylife in Christ through the preaching a...

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